Beauty and the “Bamboo”
Don’t wait until you see the signs of aging and stress reflecting back at you from your mirror. Don’t wait until your hair thins, breaks and turns gray. Don’t wait until your skin sags and becomes dry and lined. Don’t wait until your nails peel and weaken. Fight back against Father Time with Mother Nature’s secret weapon—Bamboo Silica!
Silica is a naturally occurring mineral found in water, plant and animal sources. Rocks such as obsidian, granite, diorite, sandstone, feldspar, opal and quartz contain the most significant concentrations of silicate minerals. Plant sources provide much higher levels of silica than animal sources, and Bamboo possesses the richest amount of silica of any plant. In fact, Bamboo contains ten times the amount of silica than the more commonly known horsetail herb or stinging nettle. For hundreds of years, Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese herbal medicine communities have been prescribing Bamboo extract as an effective remedy to treat psoriasis, relieve congestion, promote bone healing, calm skin burns and heal wounds.
Silicon, also known as silica, is the second most abundant element on Earth and the third most abundant trace element in the human body. Essential to your body, silica provides stronger bones, increased joint flexibility, healthier hair, enhanced skin elasticity and more durable nails. Silica also enhances the overall health benefits of vitamin D, glucosamine and calcium, making it a versatile addition to your diet.
Which foods are a source of silica?
Food sources of silica include:
green beans
Silica is available as tablets and caplets, often extracted from horsetail herb.
Benefits of silica:
More research is needed to fully understand silica’s role in our body, but it’s thought to have the following effects:
1.It can support bone formation and maintenance
Although calcium and vitamin D get most of the attention when it comes to bone health, a 2013 study in International Journal of Endocrinology reported that silica can increase bone mineral density and strength. The researchers think silica is needed to trigger the deposit of bone crystals, a procedure known as bone mineralisation.
2.It may help make collagen
A 2016 study by Sao Paulo University, Brazil reported that silica helps form the building blocks of collagen, an important protein found in your skin, blood, cartilage, muscles and ligaments. Collagen is needed to keep skin springy and elastic, and provide crucial protection and structure to your organs and joints. In one study of women with sun-damaged skin, those who took 10mg of silica daily for 20 weeks had decreased skin roughness and wrinkling, and also stronger, less brittle hair and nails.
3.It may also help your heart and immune system.
Silica may help protect your heart health by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, while lowering cholesterol, according to a 2018 report by the University of Memphis. The mineral can also support the immune response, and help to control inflammation in the body.
How much silica is safe to take?
The upper safe limit has been reported as 700–1,750 mg a day. As silica is water-soluble, excess is simply passed out by the body in your urine, meaning it’s unlikely to cause side effects if you take too much.
Silica should be avoided by the following people:
children – horsetail contains traces of nicotine.
Pregnant women – it has not been proved safe for thempeople with kidney disease – they may accumulate silica in their bloodstream.
What are the side-effects of taking silica?
Silica is considered safe for healthy people. However, if you decide to get your silica from horsetail herb supplements, be aware that this is not a herb to be used continuously on a long-term basis as it may cause stomach upsets.The herb’s other actions also mean you need to be careful. For example, horsetail acts as a diuretic so can flush potassium out of the body, which may interfere with certain medications and can lead to problems with your heart rhythm. It also contains an enzyme called thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1 (thiamine) and can cause symptoms of neurological toxicity in people who are already thiamine-deficient. Some horsetail supplements have the thiaminase removed. Otherwise, it may be a good idea to take a good quality vitamin B complex supplement or multivitamin if you take horsetail, or to get advice from your doctor.
Horsetail herb can cause the following side effects:
Allergic reactions, for example rash and swelling of the face upset stomach hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. However, before you take silica, always check with your doctor if you have a long-term condition or are on any medication.that silica helps form the building blocks of collagen, an important protein found in your skin, blood, cartilage, muscles and ligaments. Collagen is needed to keep skin springy and elastic, and provide crucial protection and structure to your organs and joints.
In one study of women with sun-damaged skin, those who took 10mg of silica daily for 20 weeks had decreased skin roughness and wrinkling, and also stronger, less brittle hair and nails.
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