Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism?
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck, just behind your Adam’s apple. Because it serves as the body’s thermostat continuously regulating things like temperature, hunger levels and energy expenditure thyroid problems can cause widespread symptoms.
Surprisingly, it’s estimated that more than half (60 percent) in the world suffering with thyroid issues are completely unaware this is the root of their problems, including weight gain or fatigue.
Are you currently one of them, and if so, what can you do to protect your condition from worsening?
Below you’ll learn about natural remedies for thyroid disease or other thyroid problems, including the types of foods that keep symptoms under control, ways to manage stress and supplements that might help control the condition.
What Are the Most Common Thyroid Problems?
Thyroid disorders and thyroid disease can have a negative impact on just about every area of your life. From weight issues to depression and/or anxiety, the thyroid gland is vital to keeping your physical, mental and emotional life in balance.
There are two main types of thyroid problems:
While there are other thyroid issues as well, the majority of cases fall into one of these two categories. Hypothyroidism is by far the more common type of thyroid problem. Most people with hypothyroidism are women, especially those who are of reproductive age or middle-aged.
To give you an understanding of how these problems develop, here’s a helpful overview of the primary way in which the thyroid gland works.
Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid
What Causes Thyroid Problems?
Thyroid Problem Risk Factors
There are many factors that can contribute to thyroid problems, ranging from genetics to poor lifestyle habits — like skipping sleep and eating too much inflammatory foods. Research shows that some of the most significant known risk factors for thyroid problems include:
Natural Treatments for Thyroid Problems
Because the two main types of thyroid problems, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, are basically the opposite problems, treatment for each is very different. In one case we want more of the thyroid hormones, and in the other case the sufferer needs less of that same hormone. Therefore options for treatment differ depending on each patient’s particular disorder and the specifics of the case. Here’s how thyroid problems are usually treated with conventional medicine:
There are some natural approaches to treating thyroid problems that I recommend beginning with before taking medications, which are detailed below.
Get Enough Iodine, Selenium, Zinc
Many (but not all) patients with hypothyroid diseases are deficient in iodine (most cases of hypothyroidism worldwide are from a lack of iodine) — therefore increasing your iodine intake can likely help your thyroid produce more of its needed hormones.
Iodine is a key mineral for helping to convert and release thyroid hormones, yet iodine-rich foods (like seaweed) are limited in the typical Western diet. Other than consuming sea veggies, you can get iodine from foods like raw dairy, certain wild-caught fish like tuna and some fermented grains. You might benefit from iodine supplements in low doses (usually best when being monitored for side effects) if you experience lots of breast tenderness, fatigue, weight gain and have a cold body temperature. However, too much iodine (such as taking high doses of supplements) actually aggravates thyroid disorder symptoms, so follow dosage directions and seek your doctor’s advice if you’re unsure.
Selenium helps balance levels of T4 hormones, so try to eat plenty foods high in selenium like Brazil nuts, spinach, yellowfin tuna or halibut, canned sardines, grass-fed beef, turkey, and beef liver. Those with Celiac disease or autoimmune disorders may be most deficient in selenium, so a supplement might be necessary in these cases.
Similarly, the mineral zinc and also B vitamins (especially vitamin B12) are needed for thyroid health and may be missing in your diet, especially if you rarely consume animal foods. The best sources are usually animal proteins (beef, turkey, eggs, etc.), which also provide much-needed amino acids, as well as certain anti-inflammatory plants like green peas, asparagus, chickpeas, cocoa, Brussels sprouts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, nuts like pistachios, and mushrooms.
2. Manage Stress and Rest Enough
When you’re under a good deal of either physical or emotional stress — such as feeling very anxious, overworked, fatigued, angry or going through a traumatic experience — your body may remain in a “fight-or-flight” mode where stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are elevated. This has negative effects like narrowing of blood vessels, increased muscular tension and blood pressure, and release of inflammatory proteins and antibodies that can suppress immune function and damage the adrenal/thyroid glands. This is one reason why people with thyroid problems often experience hormonal changes related to lowered libido, fertility problems, mood swings and so on.
To keep the endocrine glands from becoming overloaded it’s important to take stress seriously and tackle the root causes of mental strain. Employ multiple methods to handle stress like utilizing these natural stress relievers: getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night, meditation, exercising, journaling, joining a faith community or support group, dealing with addictions, and scheduling time to do fun things with supportive people.
Precautions When Treating Thyroid Problems
Because the symptoms of thyroid problems, like fatigue, muscular pains, mood changes and depression, can also be caused by various other disorders, it’s best to consult with a doctor if your symptoms become very strong. Once you confirm you have a thyroid disorder, begin to explore your treatment options by finding the root cause of your condition.
When you (and your doctor) determine a lack of iodine could be the entire cause or a contributing factor to your hypothyroidism, consider adding kelpto your diet. It’s also critical to stop taking supplements and get a professional opinion if your symptoms get worse, because this may mean you’re treating one type of thyroid problem (hypothyroidism caused by low iodine and other nutrients, for example) when you really need to be treating another (hyperthyroidism).
Hypothyroidism isn’t always caused by lack of iodine. In fact, if you take iodine or kelp and feel like you’re getting worse, make sure you consult with your physician and get your levels rechecked. It can also be caused from heavy metal toxicity like mercury. Heavy metals from amalgam fillings and vaccines have an affinity for the thyroid and can disrupt your hormone balance and thyroid function. For this reason I also recommend reducing toxic exposures and consider seeing a holistic dentist who can remove the silver (amalgam) fillings using the DAMS protocol and bring you through a proper detox program as well.
If you’ve been dealing with pains, consider that correcting any loss of cervical lordosis of your spine can help. Going through a program of corrective chiropractic care is greatly beneficial in this case.
If you decide to add kelp to your foods, you have many options. But be cautioned if you opt for kelp tablets, and consult your health care practitioner to determine the right amount to take on a daily basis. Be sure not to take over that amount, or you could then be dealing with hyperthyroidism.
In summary, remember with any health issue it’s wise to first consult nature and improve your diet in order to help the body restore its own natural balance. Your body does the right thing at the right time. Remove the interference (toxicity or deficiency), and let the body heal.
Final Thoughts on Thyroid Problems
The thyroid gland serves as the body’s “thermostat,” helping continuously regulate things like temperature, hunger levels, sex drive, mood and energy expenditure through the release of certain hormones.
The two most common thyroid problems are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Women are affected much more often, especially with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune condition.
Symptoms of thyroid problems can affect your weight, moods, libido, fertility, digestion, body compensation and energy.
Natural remedies for thyroid problems include improving your diet, reversing deficiencies, reducing stress, staying active and avoiding toxicity/chemical exposure.
Disclaimer:Please take a doctor's opinion before starting your dose!
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