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6 reasons to kick in Intermittent Fasting

Imagine being able to eat whatever you want most days of the week, limiting your intake for one or two days at a time and still losing weight.

Believe it or not, intermittent fasting benefits more than just your waistline; it also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation and keep your heart healthy.

There are a variety of approaches to intermittent fasting and many studies backing the multitude of benefits to your health. From fasting for just a few hours each day to skipping meals for two days each week, intermittent fasting can be an easy way to simultaneously improve your health and achieve your weight loss goals.

But did you know that, if you’re a woman, fasting could lead to hormonal imbalance and could lead to fertility issues?

Here, we’ll discuss the best ways for women to enjoy the positive aspects of intermittent fasting without putting their health at risk.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting, also known as cyclic fasting, has risen in popularity in recent years as more and more research emerges discovering new intermittent fasting benefits.

However, intermittent fasting is hardly a new concept. It’s been used for centuries during times when food was scarce and it even plays a central role in many major religions.

You can lose weight and protect your heart with intermittent fasting. See more here.

In fact, once a year, Muslims observe Ramadan, a month of fasting from dawn until sunset.

It’s difficult to define intermittent fasting as there’s not just one correct method for how to fast. In fact, there are many different variations of intermittent fasting that are used around the world.

The most common types of intermittent fasting include:

  • Alternate-Day Fasting: This entails eating only every other day. On fast days, some eat no food at all and others eat a very small amount, typically around 500 calories.

  • The Warrior Diet: This diet involves eating only fruits and vegetables during the day and then eating one large meal at night.

  • 16/8 Fasting: For this method, you fast for 16 hours a day and limit your eating to eight hours. Most often, this simply involves not eating anything after dinner and skipping breakfast the next morning.

  • Eat-Stop-Eat: Pick one or two days out of the week and fast for 24 hours, eating nothing from dinner one day until dinner the next day. On the other days, you should eat normally.

  • 5:2 Diet: For five days of the week, you eat normally. For the remaining two days, you should restrict your caloric intake to between 500–600 calories daily. The Fasting and Hormone Connection To put it simply, intermittent fasting can cause hormonal imbalance in women if it’s not done correctly. Women are extremely sensitive to signals of starvation, and if the body senses that it is being starved, it will ramp up production of the hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin. So when women experience insatiable hunger after under-eating, they are actually experiencing the increased production of these hormones. It’s the female body’s way of protecting a potential fetus — even when a woman is not pregnant.Of course, though, many women ignore these hunger cues causing the signals to get even louder. Or, worse, we try to ignore them, then fail and binge later, then follow that up with under-eating and starvation again. And guess what? That vicious cycle can throw your hormones out of whack and even halt ovulation. Intermittent fasting can sometimes throw off a woman’s hormonal balance, cause fertility problems and exacerbate eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. But there is a solution …

  • Crescendo Fasting for Women Intermittent fasting for women can be hard on your body if you are new to it or if you jump in too quickly. So if you are a woman or trying fasting for the first time, you might benefit from modified or crescendo intermittent fasting. Crescendo fasting only requires you to fast a few days a week instead of every day. My experience is that women get a lot more benefit from doing it this way without accidentally throwing their hormones into frenzy. This is a more gentle approach that helps the body more easily adapt to fasting. And if women do it right, it can be an amazing way to shave off body fat, improve inflammatory markers and gain energy. Not all women need crescendo fasting, but it will ensure success in most. Rules of Crescendo Fasting:

  • Fast on 2–3 nonconsecutive days per week (e.g. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)On fasting days, do yoga or light cardio.Ideally, fast for 12–16 hours.

  • Eat normally on your strength training/HIIT workouts intense exercise days.

  • Drink plenty of water. (Tea and coffee are okay, too, as long as there is no added milk or sweetener)After two weeks, feel free to add one more day of fasting.

  • Optional: Consider taking 5–8 grams of BCAAs during your fast. A branched chain amino acid supplement has few calories but provides fuel to muscles. This can take the edge off hunger and fatigue.If you have failed at intermittent fasting before, try this crescendo style for a better, more sustainable experience — especially if you are a woman.

6 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1. Promotes Weight Loss

One of the major intermittent fasting benefits is its ability to rev up fat burning and help the pounds slide off. In fact, many people prefer intermittent fasting to traditional diets because it doesn’t require you to meticulously measure your foods and track the calories and grams consumed.

Intermittent fasting results in increased fat burning and fast weight loss by forcing your body to use up fat stores as fuel. When you eat, your body uses glucose (sugar) as its primary source of energy and stores whatever is left over as glycogen in your muscles and liver.

When you don’t give your body a steady stream of glucose, it begins breaking down the glycogen to use as fuel. After the glycogen has been depleted, your body seeks out alternative sources of energy, such as fat cells, which it then breaks down to help power your body.

This is similar to the ketogenic diet, in which you deprive your body of carbohydrates and force it to use up stored fat for energy.

The effects of alternate-day fasting on body composition and found that, on average, it slashed body weight by up to 7 percent and cut body fat by up to 12 pounds. Whole-day fasting led to similar results, but with up to a 9 percent reduction in body weight. It’s less clear what whole-day fasting does to your valuable muscle stores.

Another study focused on the 16/8 method of intermittent fasting showed that it significantly reduced fat mass while retaining both muscle mass and strength. This fact is why I recommend this style of intermittent fasting the most.

2. Improves Blood Sugar

When you eat, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream. A hormone called insulin is responsible for transporting the glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells where it can be used up as energy.

Insulin doesn’t always work effectively when you have diabetes, which can result in high blood sugar levels coupled with symptoms like fatigue, thirst and frequent urination.

Some studies have found that intermittent fasting benefits your blood sugar levels by keeping them well-regulated and preventing spikes and crashes.

3. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

One of the most impressive intermittent fasting benefits is its favorable effect on heart health. Intermittent fasting can help keep your heart healthy by lowering certain heart disease risk factors.

In one study, fasting was shown to influence several components of heart health. It increased good HDL cholesterol and decreased both bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Intermittent fasting causes an increase in levels of adiponectin. Adiponectin is a protein involved in the metabolism of fat and sugar that may be protective against heart disease and heart attacks.

4. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal immune response to injury. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can lead to chronic disease.

A study published in Nutrition Research followed 50 individuals observing Ramadan and showed that they had decreased levels of some inflammatory markers during Ramadan fasting.

5. Protects Your Brain

In addition to keeping your heart healthy and warding off disease, intermittent fasting could also protect the health of your brain.

Intermittent fasting enhanced cognitive function and protected against changes in memory and learning function.

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of intermittent fasting may also help slow the progression of disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Decreases Hunger

Leptin, also known as the satiety hormone, is a hormone produced by the fat cells that helps signal when it’s time to stop eating. Your leptin levels drop when you’re hungry and increase when you’re feeling full.

Because leptin is produced in the fat cells, those who are overweight or obese tend to have higher amounts of leptin circulating in the body. However, too much leptin floating around can cause leptin resistance, which makes it harder for it to effectively turn off hunger cues.

Leptin levels during intermittent fasting and found that levels were lower at night during the fasting period.

Lower levels of leptin could translate to less leptin resistance, less hunger and potentially even more weight loss.

Best Way to Intermittent Fast

As described above, there are many types of intermittent fasting with different options that can fit any schedule or lifestyle. It’s best to experiment and find the one that works best based on your individual needs.

For beginners, the easiest starting point is the intermittent fasting 16/8 method, a form of time-restricted eating. This typically just involves skipping your evening snack after dinner and skipping breakfast the next morning as well.

If you don’t eat anything between 8 p.m. and 12 p.m. the next day, for instance, you’ve already fasted for 16 hours.

Keep in mind that intermittent fasting should be viewed as a change in lifestyle rather than a diet. Unlike typical diets, there’s no need to count points or calories or plug your foods into a food diary each night.

To reap the most intermittent fasting benefits, make sure to focus on filling your diet with healthy whole foods during the days that you do eat to squeeze as many nutrients as possible into your day.

Additionally, always listen to your body. If you feel weakness or fatigue when you go an entire day with no food, try increasing your intake a bit and have a light meal or snack. Alternatively, try out one of the other methods of intermittent fasting and find what works for you.


Although intermittent fasting benefits many different aspects of health, it may not be ideal for everyone and some people may actually want to avoid IFM.

If you suffer from low blood sugar, for example, going without eating all day may lead to dangerous drops in blood sugar causing symptoms like shakiness, heart palpitations and fatigue. If you have diabetes, it’s best to work with your doctor to determine if intermittent fasting is right for you.

If you have a history of eating disorders, this may also not be ideal for you as it may encourage unhealthy behaviors and trigger symptoms. If you are a child or teenager and still growing, intermittent fasting is not recommended either.

Those who are sick may also want to reconsider intermittent fasting as it can deprive your body of the steady stream of nutrients that it needs to heal and get better.

Intermittent fasting for women? Of course, those who are pregnant should also avoid intermittent fasting and focus instead on a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals. And certain women may encounter hormone issues if they intermittent fast for days on end — they may benefit from intermittent fasting only a few days a week rather than every day, for example.

Additionally, if you have gallstone disease, fasting may actually increase the risk of gallbladder problems and should be avoided.

Finally, studies show that fasting may alter the levels of your thyroid hormones. If you suffer from any thyroid issues, you may want to reconsider intermittent fasting to avoid alterations in these important hormones.

If you’re physically active, intermittent fasting and working out is okay. While you can exercise during fast days, don’t push yourself too hard and remember to drink plenty of water. If you’re fasting for longer than 72 hours, however, it’s advisable to limit physical activity.

Final Thoughts

  • If you’re looking for a way to kick up fat burning and weight loss while also getting some bonus benefits for your health, intermittent fasting may be right for you.

  • In addition to increasing weight loss and fat burning, other benefits of fasting include regulating blood sugar, protecting your brain, keeping your heart healthy and reducing inflammation.

  • There are many types of intermittent fasting to choose from, with variations that can fit into any lifestyle.

  • Intermittent fasting may not be a good fit for everyone, especially those suffering from certain health conditions. However, for many people, it can be an excellent addition to an otherwise healthy lifestyle.

Disclaimer:Please take a doctor's opinion before starting your dose!

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